Sarah Kimmel, Studio 5 contributor and author of “The Organized Mom” blog, tells us what makes up a routine and why it will free up our days.
A routine is important because it keeps things moving. For example, if you set a side a certain time to do your housework every day, it’s not going to pile up and becoming overwhelming on a Saturday when you have to clean the entire house. If you set those time you want to get projects done, you will chip away at the project and it will keep everything moving if you have scheduled time to do it, every day.
Here are four simple steps to help you get started:
1. Schedule routine activities
The constants include often overlooked parts of our day including sleep and eating, errands, cleaning, getting ready, meals, etc. They need to become tangible because they do eat into our day. Put in the tasks you have to do every day, first. For example, we often plan for dinner but forget to plan for dinner planning and preparation, which can easily take an hour or more out of your evening.
2. Make a wish list
Simply list all of the things you would like to do. This includes personal pursuits and hobbies that don’t seem to find a place into your schedule: exercise, reading, crafts, self improvement, etc.
3. Create a timeline
Start scheduling your wish list into your routine activities. You’re creating a start and stop time for each activity.
4. Build a template
A routine is just a template that serves as a framework. You can override your routine for appointments.
Sarah Kimmel developed The Daily Home Planner, an organizing software program for busy moms. She also keeps a blog for with some fun tips to keep your life organized. You can read her blog at where you can also find more information about The Daily Home Planner.
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