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Stay grounded, stay sane! 3 practices to make summer more peaceful

Some mindful practices will help you stay grounded this summer.

For moms with school kids, the transition to summer is more than a shift in schedule, it’s a mindset shift.

Author and speaker Connie Sokol shares three daily grounding practices for peace, focus, and joy. Remember, “you are what you practice,” which means we can better choose daily to create the person and life we desire.

Find more advice from Connie at


3 Ways to Stay Grounded this Summer

  • Practice a PMI intention. Set your Personalized Morning Intention for the day ahead of you. As you awake from sleep, consider the day and what you need then set the intention. Use an “I am” statement. Got power meetings? I am clear and focused. Doing a family reunion? I am present and connected.
  • Practice real-time forgiveness. Sometimes this word can feel heavy because it’s usually a big thing. But consider it as a go-to rather than a must-do. Someone cuts you off? Forgive them. Someone fails to do their job, again…Forgive them. Say it quickly and clearly, even silently.
  • Practice gap to gain gratitude. This is shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance. In the book: The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success by Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan, they write that too often we measure against our ideal than actual progress made; that’s measuring in the GAP “Whenever you transform an experience into a GAIN…you become better and your future becomes bigger.”

Connie has a short exercise to feel deep gratitude and look back at how far you’ve come. “Take a paper or your phone and brain dump what you’ve already become or accomplished in the last one year, five years. Savor it, offer a prayer or thought of gratitude for it, really SIT with and FEEL the goodness of where you are RIGHT NOW because of all that you’ve done and become before,” she says.

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