A virtual try on can mean the difference between a fave and a return.
For all the benefits of online shopping it has one big drawback. You can’t try it on, touch it, or test it out.
But — Deseret News Columnist Amy Iverson says that’s starting to change. Virtual try-on experiences are getting pretty good!
Find more advice from Amy at www.deseret.com/authors/amy-iverson.
3 Virtual Try On Options
Snapchat Dress Up
This is an augmented reality try on where you take a few pics of yourself and then can see what certain clothes would look like on you, bags, hats, makeup, etc.}
Amazon Virtual Shoe Try-on
Just point your camera at your feet to see what the shoe would look like.
Walmart Zeek It Virtual Try-On
Choose a model that has your same size/height to see photos of clothes.
From devices to data plans, from apps to hacks, Amy finds, researches, tests and reviews all the ways technology impacts home and family life. Her goal is to help families make positive choices that enhance the everyday. You can See Amy each week on Studio 5’s Tech Check feature. Amy has a broad background in television, radio. and digital media. Read more topics from Amy, here: www.deseret.com/authors/amy-iverson.
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