The Salt Lake County Stormwater Coalition: We All Live Downstream

Lisa Hartman talks about how you can help protect water resources for yourself and those who live downstream.

The water quality of all the local streams, creeks and ponds are directly affected by what we put down our gutters and storm drains as storm water is NEVER treated.

The coalition’s hope is that as people become more conscious of the numerous bodies of water that they are surrounded by on a daily basis that they will become even more conscious of their actions when it comes to what they put down their gutters and storm drains.

They have placed approximately 75 signs throughout the County with plans for another 75 over the next year.
Some streams that run throughout the County are Millcreek, Big and Little Cottonwood Creek’s, Dry Creek, Willowcreek, City Creek to name a few.

Storm water is rain, snow and sleet that flows down the gutter into the storm drain and directly into our rivers, lakes and streams. However, hose water used to wash your car can send dirt, debris , soap suds (even bio-degradable material can be dangerous to the plant life and fish life) if hosed down the storm drain.

Most people know not to pour oil or chemicals down the storm drain but do not realize that soap to wash your car, grass clippings, dirt, debris, and pet waste, when sent down the storm drain, plays a large role in storm water quality—killing aquatic plants, robbing the water of oxygen which can kill fish.

A few easy alternatives County residents can do to improve storm water quality: Wash cars on the lawn; mulch grass clippings and leave on the lawn, sweep dirt, excess grass clippings, etc. onto the lawn; target fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides to the lawn and garden; bag pet waste and dispose of in the trash.

To learn more about what you can do to help the environment and keep stormwater clean, go to

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