We could all stand to be a little more brave.
Most women are pretty comfy in the comfort zone. We like routine, we’re good with a happy hum, but if you want to edge up your relationships, your friendships, or your life, you’ll do a brave thing.
Studio 5 contributor Kelly Jensen emphasized the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone. This could mean taking on a new challenge, whether it’s a job, a hobby, or simply pushing yourself towards something different.
Building Confidence Through Challenges
Kelly shared her personal experiences with bravery, having done everything from skydiving to swimming with sharks. She explained, “The thing about doing brave things is when you’re uncomfortable and you get through them, it builds confidence.” This confidence is also a powerful example for her children. By modeling bravery, she hopes to inspire them to tackle their own challenges with courage.
The Role of Failure in Growth
One of the key messages Kelly hopes women understand is embracing failure as a part of the growth process. She stateed, “If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.” Failure is not a destination, rather, it’s a stepping stone providing information on how to improve and move forward. This mindset encourages continuous learning and resilience.
Embracing Silly Moments
Another aspect of bravery Kelly highlighted is the willingness to look silly and not care about others’ opinions. “Bravery also encompasses not caring what other people think,” she said. This attitude helps break down barriers and allows for more genuine and joyful experiences. These moments of vulnerability can lead to significant personal growth.
Aligning Bravery with Personal Values
Kelly stressed that bravery should align with your personal values. She asks herself, “Who do I want to be?” and ensures that her actions reflect her true self. This helps her make sure the brave things she’s doing are meaningful and fulfilling, rather than just following trends or external pressures.
Embracing bravery involves stepping out of your comfort zone, building confidence through challenges, accepting failure as part of growth, and not worrying about looking silly. Aligning brave actions with your personal values will help you lead a more fulfilling and adventurous live. “Life is not driving me. I am driving my life,” Kelly emphasized. This mindset is empowering, and sets a powerful example for those around us, especially our children.
Follow Kelly online @kellyejensen.
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