Trendy Fingerless Gloves

Kami Watson from Sweet Charli has simple directions to make your own chic, fingerless gloves.

I made my first pair of gloves by transforming a pair of socks! I found this pair at Target for $2.

I tried them on and measured how high I wanted them above my wrist, then cut:

I then sewed the raw edge by folding the edges inward, then sewing a light zig-zag stitch.

Then I cut about an inch to an inch 1/4 hole where my thumb was going to be.

After that, you’re then going to want to stitch the thumbhole with a heavy (meaning very close) zig-zag stitch. This not only makes the edge ruffly and cute but also prevents fraying. I did the same thing the other edge (the fingers hole). Then I added a few snowflake buttons on the wrist to add a little bling and wahlaahh!

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