Can a Laser Restore Your Youth?

Dr. Steve Jepson with The Spa at the Utah Dermatologic & Medical Procedures Clinic explains.


Our clinic has long been recognized as one of the leading cosmetic laser centers in the Intermountain West and I have spent the last few years educating TV viewers about the benefits of cosmetic lasers, and how they really can take years off your face. Now we are very excited to introduce our latest laser addition to Studio 5 viewers – the Active FX Laser.

Because there are so many laser options now available, I want to quickly review what lasers can do, just so you can understand how remarkable this new laser is.

Some lasers, such as IPLs or our own KTP laser, can get rid of unwanted discoloration such as brown age spots, freckles, and spider veins.

Other lasers, such the Erbium skin peel laser that I have demonstrated before on Studio 5, can remove a superficial layer of skin and thereby help your skin look healthier and feel smoother.

Additional lasers such as Titan, Thermage, or the Yag laser, can help to stimulate collagen which tightens skin and helps reduce wrinkles. The tightening lasers that have been available to this point, though, affect mild results at best.

And all of the lasers previously available, including the popular Fraxel laser, require multiple treatments (usually 3-8) to achieve optimal results. And none of those lasers are typically very effective for wrinkles around the eyes and mouth (in fact with most lasers, you can’t even treat directly around the eyes and eyelids)

But our new laser – the Active FX – can do it all, can do it better, and can do it in one treatment!

The excitement about this laser has been sweeping the country for the last year, and now there is finally one in Utah – at our clinic! The results are incredible – marked improvement in wrinkles, skin texture, and skin tone. This happens because Active FX uses a laser wavelength that not only removes unwanted pigment, but a laser wavelength that is the most effective wavelength at penetrating and heating the deep layers of skin, resulting in new collagen growth with resultant dramatic skin tightening. And we are very excited about the results that we are seeing with the very difficult wrinkles under the eyes and around the mouth. You really can take 5-10 years off your appearance!

This laser is more aggressive than traditional laser treatments and so consequently clients can expect about 5 days of what we like to call “social downtime”. This means that your face doesn’t significantly hurt afterward, but it is very red, and so you might not want to make too many social appearances during those 5 days.

Our clients really appreciate the fact that generally only one treatment is required. This is so much more convenient than previous options, especially for those with a demanding work or home schedule. One treatment is also very convenient for those viewers who live in outlying areas and make drives of several hours to come into Salt Lake and have these kinds of treatments done.


To schedule a free consult call 801-281-0022 and come learn how this laser can help you look younger. Be sure to ask for the special introductory discount for Studio 5 viewers.

Dr. Steven Jepson M.D.

The Spa at the Utah Dermatologic & Medical Procedures Clinic

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